With this tool, you can play a DRM-protected video using Axinom DRM License Service and the video player of your choice (e.g Shaka, Bitmovin, THEOPlayer).

DRM Video Playback

Test the playback of a DRM-protected video using Axinom DRM License Service and the video player of your choice. The necessary DRM Entitlement Message will be generated automatically based on the Key ID you supply.

Video Source URLs

Enter an URL of the DASH or HLS manifest of your video. You can also try out of the pre-created test videos (see Axinom Public Test Vectors) - their Key IDs and Content Keys are known and will be shown automatically. For HLS+FairPlay videos, also enter the FairPlay certificate URL.

Content Keys

Enter the Key ID (key_id, kid) of your video (UUID). DRM License Service will derive the content key from it using its configured Key Seed. For testing purpose, you can supply the content key directly, separating it from the Key ID with a pipe "|" symbol. The key must consist of 16 bytes, presented in base64 encoding. If a video has multiple keys, enter them one per line. Try out various test vectors to see examples.

share as url / copy to clipboard

Communication Key

Communication key is used to sign the Axinom DRM License Message and authenticate you against the DRM License Service. You can find the Communication Key under My Mosaic / DRM / License Service - you will need your License Service Management Key.

License Service Message/JWT

The License Service Message generated here contains the simplest Entitlement Message which authorizes the Key ID(s) entered in the previous step. You can adjust the message to your needs. The JWT view shows the same message converted into a JWT and signed with the Communication Key.

License Service Message

License Service

To use Axinom DRM License Service, select one of the environments. Alternatively, enter the License acquisition URLs manually.


Select one of the provided video players. To integrate any other video player, follow instructions under Video Players.