This tool helps you to generate the Entitlement Message JSON section by section.

Entitlement Message (License Service)

This tool helps you to generate the Entitlement Message JSON section by section, as documented here. Additionally, you can transform your entitlement message into a license service message and sign it as a JWT to use it as a license token in your player.

Entitlement message JSON sections builder

license: {...},

License Configuration

License is immediately valid and stays valid for 1h. Whether the playback stops after 1h, depends on the real_time_expiration parameter. Read more.

content_keys_source: {...},

Content Keys Source

License is allowed only for the specified KeyID.

Encrypted Key calculation helper

content_key_usage_policies: [...],

Content Key Usage Policies

license_server: {...},

License Service

session: {...}


Generated Entitlement Message JSON

Wrap the Entitlement Message into an Axinom DRM License Service Message.

Generate a license token