This is a sample code to acquire encryption keys from Axinom DRM Key Service using SPEKE v1 protocol.

SPEKE 1 Samples

Table of Contents

This is a sample code to acquire encryption keys from Axinom DRM Key Service using SPEKE v1 protocol.

See SPEKE v2 Sample Code for the latest version of the protocol.


The following CPIX request will be used in all samples below.

const requestCPIX = `
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<cpix:CPIX xmlns:cpix="urn:dashif:org:cpix" xmlns:pskc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:keyprov:pskc" id="test_ch1">
		<cpix:ContentKey kid="af1ed63c-5784-460b-9e51-309dd47b7d9c"/>
		<cpix:DRMSystem systemId="94ce86fb-07ff-4f43-adb8-93d2fa968ca2" kid="af1ed63c-5784-460b-9e51-309dd47b7d9c"/>
		<cpix:DRMSystem systemId="9a04f079-9840-4286-ab92-e65be0885f95" kid="af1ed63c-5784-460b-9e51-309dd47b7d9c"/>
		<cpix:DRMSystem systemId="edef8ba9-79d6-4ace-a3c8-27dcd51d21ed" kid="af1ed63c-5784-460b-9e51-309dd47b7d9c"/>
		<cpix:ContentKeyPeriod id="keyPeriod_19d21813-874e-4804-8a56-1952722abeb5" index="213"/>
		<cpix:ContentKeyUsageRule kid="af1ed63c-5784-460b-9e51-309dd47b7d9c">
			<cpix:KeyPeriodFilter periodId="keyPeriod_19d21813-874e-4804-8a56-1952722abeb5"/>


JavaScript / NodeJS

This example uses superagent to send HTTP requests.

const superagent = require('superagent');

async function invokeSpeke1() {
    const responseCPIX = await executeSpeke(requestCPIX, 1);

 * Execute a SPEKE request against the Axinom DRM Key Service
 * @param requestCPIX - request in CPIX format
 * @param version - SPEKE protocol version, can be 1 or 2; default 2
 * @returns response in CPIX format
async function executeSpeke(requestCPIX : string, version: number = 2) : Promise<string> {
    if(version !== 1 && version !== 2) throw new Error('Invalid version - supported versions are only 1 or 2');

    const MOSAIC_KEY_SERVICE_ENDPOINT = '' + (version === 2 ? 'V2' : '');
    const MOSAIC_KEY_TENANT_ID = ...; // get from Axinom DRM Key Service configuration
    const MOSAIC_KEY_MANAGEMENT_KEY = ...; // get from Axinom DRM Key Service configuration

    const token = Buffer.from(`${MOSAIC_KEY_TENANT_ID}:${MOSAIC_KEY_MANAGEMENT_KEY}`).toString('base64'); // base64("TenantID:ManagementKey")

    const response = await superagent
        .set('Content-Type', 'text/xml')
        .set('Accept', 'application/xml, text/xml')
        .set('X-Speke-Version', version.toString() + '.0')
        .set('Authorization', `Basic ${token}`)

    return response.body.toString();