Nimble Streamer supports integration with Axinom DRM using SPEKE protocol.

Nimble Streamer

Nimble Streamer is a media server from Softvelum. It provides a wide range of features for live and on-demand streaming.

Nimble Streamer supports integration with Axinom DRM using SPEKE protocol.


To use Axinom DRM:

  • Register on the Axinom Portal

  • Start a free trial

  • Go to My Mosaic / DRM and acquire credentials

  • You will need the following information:

  • Once you are ready to go to production, upgrade your Axinom account to a paid plan.


Axinom DRM-related configuration for Nimble Streamer looks like this:

drm {
  application = <YOUR APPLICATION>
  type = axinom
  axinom_tenant_id = <Axinom Key Service Tenant ID>
  axinom_management_key = <Axinom Key Service Management Key>
  content_id = <DEFAULT CONTENT ID>
  content_ids {

A specified Content ID (an UUID) is used in SPEKE request as both the Content ID (content_id) and Key ID (kid).

Multiple Key IDs for a single stream are currently not supported.

content_id is a default value for the whole application. If you want to set a specific key for a specific stream, you can use content_ids option and specify the stream-specific values.

Nimble also generates UUID if "content_id" is not set, but currently there is no method to get the used Key ID to user except inspecting HLS FMP4 chunk list where it is specified in EXT-X-KEY for Widevine/FairPlay.

See also