Axinom Encoding supports a number of storage providers and message publishers, including Amazon AWS and its S3 buckets (storage) and SQS (message publisher).

Using Encoding with AWS

This article is a part of the Encoding Quick Start Guide.

Axinom Encoding supports a number of Storage Providers and Message Publishers.

If you prefer using Amazon Web Services (AWS), Axinom Encoding supports this natively.

Storage Provider: S3

On AWS, you will likely choose S3 Buckets for your input and output storage.

See below for a full example.

You can also use S3-compatible storage, i.e., storage on other clouds which implements the S3-interface.

Message Publisher: SQS

On AWS, you will likely choose Amazon SQS for your message publisher.

See below for a full example.

Job Request Sample

    "ExternalId": "<job_reference_id>",
    "ExternalType": "movie",
    "ContentAcquisition": {
        "Provider": "AmazonS3",
        "UriPath": "https://<your_bucket-name><input-folder-path>/",
        "CredentialsName": "<PLAINTEXT_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID>",
        "CredentialsSecret": "<ENCRYPTED_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>",
        "CredentialsProtection": "Encrypted"
    "MediaMappings": {
        "VideoStreamExpression": "^.*\\.(mp4)$"
    "ContentProcessing": {
        "OutputFormat": ["Cmaf"]
    "ContentPublishing": {
        "Provider": "AmazonS3",
        "UriPath": "https://<your-bucket-name><output-folder-path>/",
        "CredentialsName": "PLAINTEXT_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID",
        "CredentialsSecret": "ENCRYPTED_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY",
        "CredentialsProtection": "Encrypted"
    "MessagePublishers": [
            "Type": "AmazonSqs",
            "UriPath": "<your_Queue-name>",
            "CredentialsName": "PLAINTEXT_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID",
            "CredentialsSecret": "ENCRYPTED_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY",
            "CredentialsProtection": "Encrypted"